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Click for larger image 41. See the New York World's Fair in Pictures 
Publisher: Rogers-Kellogg-Stillson, Inc. New York, 1939
See the New York World’s Fair in Pictures. No author. New York: Rogers-Kellogg-Stillson, Inc., 1939. Spiral-bound, oblong softcover. This is a souvenir book of the 1939 New York World’s Fair, providing an interesting pictorial essay describing the Fair. Not paginated. Book is in GOOD condition. Paper wrappers. . No Jacket. Spiral. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000131
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Appr.: | AUD 30.00 | CAD 30.15 | EUR 22.66 | GBP 19.38 | JPY 2500 | MXN 375 | ZAR 201 |
Click for larger image 42. The National Cookery Book 
Publisher: Womens Centennial Executive Committee Philadelphia, PA, 1876
The National Cookery Book, Compiled From Original Receipts, for the Women’s Centennial Committees of the International Exhibition of 1876. No author. Philadelphia, PA: Women’s Centennial Executive Committee, 1876. Probable first edition. Hardcover. "The Women’s Centennial Committees of the International Exhibition of 1876 respectfully offer this volume to their countrywomen, and solicit their patronage. "Among the many enterprises planned by the committees to carry out the objects of their organization, was a National Cookery Book. It was thought proper in a department exclusively devoted to ‘women’s work’, that cookery--an art which has been consigned so largely to her--should not be forgotten. It was also believed that it would not be thought presumptuous to endeavor to afford the visitors from abroad, who might honor the Exhibition by their presence, an opportunity of judging our progress in this art, and also of the resources of our country…." Contributions to the Cookery Book were solicited from throughout the United States. This book provides several thousand classic American recipes in all categories, contemporary to 1876, when chicken dinner began with plucking (or even slaughtering) the chicken. 357 pages with index. Book is an original 1876 edition in GOOD condition; some discoloration to pages with binding still good and intact. Embossed cover (see photo); no dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000137
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Appr.: | AUD 150.00 | CAD 150.75 | EUR 113.29 | GBP 96.90 | JPY 12500 | MXN 1875 | ZAR 1007 |
Click for larger image 43. Goldenen Jubilaum: Canstatter Volksfest-Verein Philadelphia 1873-1923 
Publisher: Julian B. Slevin Co., Inc. Philadelphia, PA, 1923
Goldenes Jubilaeum: Cannstatter Volksfest-Verein, Philadelphia, Pa., 1873-1923. Philadelphia, PA: Julian B. Slevin Co., Inc., 1923. Hardcover. The Cannstatter Volksfest-Verein, a German-American benevolent society, was founded in Philadelphia on September 24, 1873.  It was started by a group of German-American businessmen, among whom were the biscuit-maker Godfrey Keebler and brewer Christian Schmidt.  The stated goals of the group were to uphold German culture, sociability, and charity through having a yearly festival and using the funds raised to donate to needy institutions and individuals.  Specifically, the festival was to continue the traditions of the annual harvest festival in Schwabian spa of Bad Cannstatt, Germany.  The first such festival was held on September 28-29, 1873 at Reistle's Singer Park in West Philadelphia. This illustrated album is a souvenir album commemorating the fiftieth (Jubilee) anniversary of the Festival. There are numerous period advertisements, primarily from local businesses. 127 pages. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good Privately Printed
Item number: 000157
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Appr.: | AUD 50.00 | CAD 50.25 | EUR 37.76 | GBP 32.30 | JPY 4167 | MXN 625 | ZAR 336 |
Click for larger image 44. Sesqui-Centennial: West Chester, Pennsylvania 1799-1949 
Publisher: Chamber of Commerce West Chester, PA, 1949
Sesqui-Centennial: West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1799-1949. No author. West Chester, PA: Chamber of Commerce, 1949. Spiral-bound, oblong softcover. "This, then, is the purpose of this booklet: to preser4ve through the medium of the camera the finest demonstration of community spirit a people could ever know…." The book is a "Picture Story" of West Chester’s Sesquicentennial Celebration, held from September 27 top October 2, 1949. Not paginated. Book is in GOOD condition. Paper wrappers. . No Jacket. Spiral. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000159
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Appr.: | AUD 25.00 | CAD 25.13 | EUR 18.88 | GBP 16.15 | JPY 2083 | MXN 312 | ZAR 168 |
Click for larger image 45. Soroban: The Japanese Abacus, Its Use and Practice 
Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Publishers Rutland, VT, 1967
Soroban: The Japanese Abacus, Its Use and Practice. By The Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Preface by Yoemon Yamazaki, Director, International Abacus Association. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Publishers, 1967. Trade paperback. "The startling postwar development of transportation facilities has tremendously increased the number of foreign visitors to Japan. During their stay in this country, they may often have occasion to have their accounts settled at stores and business establishments, where tradesmen and clerks compute correct sums and balances in no time, deftly clicking beads on their abacus or soroban, the Japanese adding machine…. "This handbook written after careful study is intended to provide a home-study course for correct and speedy abacus calculation, a suitable introduction for foreign beginners. Dealing mainly with addition and subtraction, the basis of abacus calculation, it also touches upon multiplication and division….One word of caution--the student should use a standard abacus designed for special international use. He will then be able to acquire the secret of wonderfully speedy calculation. " Illustrated as appropriate to the text. 96 pages. Book is in GOOD condition; tear to cover at bottom of spine. Paper wrappers. No Jacket. Trade Paperback. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000182
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Appr.: | AUD 40.00 | CAD 40.20 | EUR 30.21 | GBP 25.84 | JPY 3333 | MXN 500 | ZAR 268 |
Click for larger image 46. Morgantown: Picture History 1770-1970 
Publisher: Morgantown Historical Committee Morgantown, PA, 1970
Morgantown: Picture History 1770-1970. Morgantown, PA: Morgantown Historical Committee, 1970. Oversized hardcover. This is a pictorial bi-centennial history of the city of Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania. "….We trust this book will offer historically important information for the people in and about the community of Morgantown…." 96 pages. This is a VERY SCARCE TITLE that is difficult to find! Book is in GOOD or better condition. No dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000178
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Appr.: | AUD 100.00 | CAD 100.50 | EUR 75.53 | GBP 64.60 | JPY 8333 | MXN 1250 | ZAR 671 |
Click for larger image 47. Nuclear Science and Technology for Ceramists 
Publisher: U. S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC, 1967
Nuclear Science and Technology for Ceramists: Proceedings of a Symposium…. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1967. National Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publication 285. Hardcover. "Proceedings of a Symposium, April 7-12, 1966, held under the auspices of the Ceramic Educational Council of the American Ceramic Society, with the cooperation of the National Bureau of Standards, and under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research…." "The purpose of this Symposium is to provide an introductory survey of those properties involved in the choice and use of materials…." Six scholarly papers were presented and published. 71 pages. Book is in GOOD or better condition. No dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000188
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Appr.: | AUD 25.00 | CAD 25.13 | EUR 18.88 | GBP 16.15 | JPY 2083 | MXN 312 | ZAR 168 |
Click for larger image 48. Musings of a Mineral-Water Manufacturer 
Publisher: Noel Douglas London, 1933
Musings of a Mineral-Water Manufacturer: Some Advertisements of W. A. Ross & Sons, Ltd., Belfast, which have appeared in Truth and The Spectator between March 1931 and December 1932. London: Noel Douglas, 1933. Trade paperback format. "The writer having spent the last ten years in bringing Ross’s Tonic Water, Ginger Beer, Lemon Squash, Etc., up to the standard of the Ginger Ale he was fortunate enough to inherit from his forefathers, and having trained up a competent and trustworthy crew to carry on the good work, is now, as it were out of a job and looking for some other scope for his energies. "To quote (or misquote) Mr. Bernard Shaw, being incapable of describing accurately anything he sees, or understanding or reporting accurately anything he hears, and, owing to his daily struggle with his own illiteracy, and his inability to write shorthand, or write with ease any hand, he naturally breaks out into journalism. "Readers of Truth, if they care to do so, will find in this column for some few weeks to come our views on topics which may at first sight seem to be in no way connected, but may interest those who are hoping to some small extent to achieve the good life. It does not follow because we can make good Ginger Ale that our opinion on other matters is of any value. "Most of us outside our own profession are thoroughly incompetent and do not know it. And, still worse, the public do not know it, and think because a man is, say, a very clever engineer his views on religion or finance or architecture may be worth listening to. They may be, but the long speeches chairmen of big companies feel it necessary to make nowadays at the annual meetings of their shareholders make one wonder whether the shoemaker would not be better to stick to his last. Therefore, let the reader be warned." The following were advertisements placed by W. A. Ross & Sons, manufacturers of Mineral Water. They offer interesting, often tongue-in-cheek, comments on advertising and current events (ca. 1931-1932. 184 pages. Book is In FAIR to GOOD condition. Wear to paper wrappers along spine, but binding is still tight; text pages clean. Paper wrappers. No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Fair
Item number: 000198
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Appr.: | AUD 50.00 | CAD 50.25 | EUR 37.76 | GBP 32.30 | JPY 4167 | MXN 625 | ZAR 336 |
Click for larger image 49. Lake Placid Club Handbook 
Publisher: Lake Placid Club Morningside, NY, 1901
Lake Placid Club Handbook: Morningside; Moose Island; Adirondack Lodge. Morningside, NY: Lake Placid Club, 1901. This is an original edition, NOT a modern reprint. The Lake Placid Club was a social and recreation club founded in 1895, in Lake Placid, New York. It was founded by Melvil Dewey, the originator of the Dewey Decimal System, for educators, where they would have an opportunity to find health, strength and inspiration at moderate cost. The Handbook offers a full description of the club, rules, regulations, etc., as well as a full description of the facilities of the Club, ca. 1901. Well illustrated with numerous photographs. 224 pages. Original editions of this title are RARE and very difficult to find! Book is in GOOD or better condition. No dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Very Good
Item number: 000222
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Appr.: | AUD 35.00 | CAD 35.18 | EUR 26.44 | GBP 22.61 | JPY 2917 | MXN 438 | ZAR 235 |
Click for larger image 50. Denver Art Museum: Indian Leaflet Series. 
Publisher: Denver Art Museum Denver, CO
Denver Art Museum: Indian Leaflet Series. Set of 19 Leaflets (Nos. 1-11; 13-20). Denver, CO: Denver Art Museum, 1930-1945. This is a series of four-page leaflets on various aspects of American Indian Art. Further information is available upon request. Leaflets are in GOOD condition. Softcover. No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000229
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Appr.: | AUD 35.00 | CAD 35.18 | EUR 26.44 | GBP 22.61 | JPY 2917 | MXN 438 | ZAR 235 |
Click for larger image 51. Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
Publisher: Nelson and Phillips New York, 1878
Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York: Nelson & Phillips, 1878. Small hardcover. "….Though perfection is not claimed, yet we believe the present Hymn Book will be considered a great improvement over the preceding one. We most cordially commend it to you as one of the choicest selections of evangelical hymns ever published; and we trust that it will increase the interest of public worship, give a higher inspiration to social and family services, and aid in private meditation and devotion. As it is published by the authority of the Church, and to meet the wants of the Church, and as the profits will be devoted to religious purposes, we do the more earnestly commend it to your liberal patronage. We exhort you, dear brethren, to ‘sing with the spirit’ and ‘with the understanding also, ’ ‘making melody in your heart to the Lord’." viii + 784 pages with index. Book is in VERY GOOD condition; light wear to cover; binding tight; text pages clean. No dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Very Good
Item number: 000257
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Appr.: | AUD 20.00 | CAD 20.10 | EUR 15.11 | GBP 12.92 | JPY 1667 | MXN 250 | ZAR 134 |
Click for larger image 52. How To Read Character; A New Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology and Physiognomy.... 
Publisher: Fowler and Wells Co., Publishers New York, 1886
How To Read Character: A New Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for Students and Examiners, with A Descriptive Chart. No author. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., Publishers, 1886. Antiquarian hardcover. "The first Phrenological Chart every produced was printed on a single sheet, the size of our common note paper, and was sold for a cent. It simply gave the names of the organs then discovered by Dr. Gall. The next was larger, and gave both the names and definitions of the organs; still later, the charts of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim embraced all the above, together with some account of the Temperaments. But as it was with the inventors of the steam-engine, the locomotive, and the steamboat, so it has been with phrenologists. Each succeeding author is supposed to have availed himself of all that has been proved to be true and useful, adding thereto his own observations and experiences. Thus the improved charts of to-day are as unlike those first printed as are the modern steamers, locomotives, and engines to those first invented. During our thirty years’ experience in the practical application of scientific rules to character reading, we have used many different charts, revising old ones year after year, and adding one improvement after another. The present work embodies our latest and best ideas on the subject, so far as they can be set forth in this condensed and popular form…." Well illustrated as appropriate to the text. 192 pages. Book is in GOOD condition. No dust jacket. . No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000261
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Appr.: | AUD 15.00 | CAD 15.08 | EUR 11.33 | GBP 9.69 | JPY 1250 | MXN 188 | ZAR 101 |
Click for larger image 53. Hymns for the Use of The Methodist Episcopal Church (Revised Edition) 
Publisher: Carlton & Porter New York, 1849
Hymns for the Use of The Methodist Episcopal Church (Revised Edition). New York: Carlton & Porter, 1849. Small hardcover. "….In presenting to you this Standard Hymn Book, we believe that we are putting into your hands one of the choicest selections of evangelical Hymns for Private Devotion, as well as for Family, Social, and Public Worship…." This was a private copy, with the name of the owner embossed on the front cover. 1, 148 hymns. No music. 719 pages with index. Book is in GOOD or better condition. No dust jacket (as issued). No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall
Item number: 000278
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Appr.: | AUD 20.00 | CAD 20.10 | EUR 15.11 | GBP 12.92 | JPY 1667 | MXN 250 | ZAR 134 |
Click for larger image 54. Price List of Materials for Paintng on China, Containing Also Practical Information for Painting on China, Gilding, Tinting, Groundlaying, Paste Raising, Jewel Work, Etc. 
Publisher: James F. Hall Philadelphia, PA, 1908
Materials for Painting on China: Containing Also Practical Information for Painting on China, Gilding, Tinting, Groundlaying, Paste Raising, Raised Enamel Work, Etc.; Price List and Catalog. Philadelphia, PA: James F. Hall, 1908. Softcover. "….Since issuing my previous catalogue several new and useful colors, etc., have been placed on the market which I have added to this list. These colors are of the very best English manufacture, will stand hard fire and glaze to perfection. They will mix with the best results with any other make of colors for china painting, either in powder form or ready mixed in tubes. Another new feature is my ready prepared Paste for Raised Gold, and Enamels for Relief work, they require no extra grinding, are ready mixed with sufficient oil, and are worked merely with turpentine, or lavender oil. If applied and fired properly they will not blister or scale off the ware after firing. My Roman Gold and Bronzes are pronounced by all who have tested their value, to be equal to any, and superior to many, both for quality, quantity and durability. See testimonials…." 62 pages with index. This is a RARE TITLE that is difficult to find!!! Book is in GOOD or better condition. Paper wrappers. . No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000288
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Appr.: | AUD 50.00 | CAD 50.25 | EUR 37.76 | GBP 32.30 | JPY 4167 | MXN 625 | ZAR 336 |
Click for larger image 55. Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church with Tunes 
Publisher: Nelson & Phillips New York, 1878
Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church with Tunes. New York: Nelson & Philips, 1878. Hardcover. "Under the direction of the General Conference of 1876 this revised edition of our excellent Hymn Book has been prepared. The action of the General Conference….are herewith presented. You will note the great care which has marked every part of the work, whether in rejecting any of the hymns formerly used, or in changing their phraseology, or in the selection of those which are new. Though perfection is not claimed, yet we believe the present Hymn Book will be considered a great improvement on the preceding one. We most cordially commend it to you as one of the choicest selections of evangelical hymns ever published; and we trust that it will increase the interest of public worship, give a higher inspiration to social and family services, and aid in private meditation and devotion…." 504 pages with index. Book is in GOOD condition; some chipping to cloth; damage to outer covering of top 1" of spine. No dust jacket. No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000294
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Appr.: | AUD 30.00 | CAD 30.15 | EUR 22.66 | GBP 19.38 | JPY 2500 | MXN 375 | ZAR 201 |
Click for larger image 56. The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
Publisher: B. Waugh and T. Mason New York, 1839
The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York: B. Waugh and T. Mason, 1839. Antiquarian hardcover. "….We believe that God’s design in raising up the preachers called Methodists, in America, was to reform the continent, and spread Scripture holiness over these lands. As a proof hereof, we have seen since that time, a great and glorious work of God, from New York through the Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia; as also of late, to the extremities of the western and eastern states. We esteem it our duty and privilege most earnestly to recommend to you, as members of our church, our Form of Discipline, which has been founded on the experience of a long series of years; as also on the observations and remarks we have made on ancient and modern churches. We wish to see this little publication in the home of every Methodist; and the more so, as it contains the articles of religion maintained more or less, in part or in whole, by every reformed church in the world…." 196 pages. Book is in GOOD condition; foxing. No dust jacket. . No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000292
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Appr.: | AUD 100.00 | CAD 100.50 | EUR 75.53 | GBP 64.60 | JPY 8333 | MXN 1250 | ZAR 671 |
Click for larger image 57. Colors and Coloring in China Painting 
Publisher: Keramic Supply Co. Indianpolis, IN, 1909
Colors and Coloring in China Painting. No author. Indianapolis, IN: Keramic Supply Co., 1909. Second Revised Edition. Softcover booklet format. "….Years ago certain colors were made by one individual, and other colors by another, and as each color maker used different fluxes, each color required a certain firing different from the others, and likewise, as the fluxes were of a different nature, the colors were not entirely successful when mixed. This however has all been changed. The Royal overglaze colors, for instance, are all prepared from the same base; they can be used for painting, tinting or grounding; they can be mixed, and all of them are fired properly at a moderate temperature, which is equivalent to 700 degrees Centigrade. Little firing tests are provided, whereby one is placed in the kile, and as soon as it melts down, which is observed through the peep hole, the firing is judged sufficient. So that today, china painting is reduced to an exact Art, and the colors are as easily used as water colors." 40 pages. Book is in GOOD condition. Paper wrappers. No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000305
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Appr.: | AUD 12.50 | CAD 12.56 | EUR 9.44 | GBP 8.07 | JPY 1042 | MXN 156 | ZAR 84 |
Click for larger image 58. Wyanoke Tribe No. 367, Improved Order of Red Men of Pennsylvania: Constitution, Rules of Order and Code of Procedure 
Publisher: The Shaw Printing Company Philadelphia, PA, 1920
Wyanoke Tribe No. 367, Improved Order of Red Men of Pennsylvania: Constitution, Rules of Order and Code of Procedure. Philadelphia, PA: The Shaw Printing Company, nd. The book appears to date from the 1920s or 1930s. Small softcover. The Improved Order of Red Men is a fraternal organization established in Baltimore, Maryland in 1834, with rituals and regalia modeled after those used by Native Americans. The order claims descent from the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party of the American Revolutionary period. This is a VERY SCARCE item. Book is in GOOD condition. One leaf (pages one and two) is missing; a blank membership certificate is attached as a part of the book. Paper wrappers. . No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Good 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall
Item number: 000331
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Appr.: | AUD 25.00 | CAD 25.13 | EUR 18.88 | GBP 16.15 | JPY 2083 | MXN 312 | ZAR 168 |
Click for larger image 59. Souvenir Album of the Great West 
Publisher: , 1890
Souvenir Album of the Great West. No bibliographic information given. Book dates from the late 19th century (1885-1895?). Oblong hardcover. One hundred detailed, spectacular views of western scenes and attractions, many citing railroad sources. The book was intended as a souvenir of a western trip, with railroad travel being the primary means of transportation. 25 pages of photographs, no text. Book is in GOOD condition; some wear, but photos are all in very good condition. No dust jacket. . No Jacket. Hard Cover. Book condition: Good
Item number: 000333
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Appr.: | AUD 60.00 | CAD 60.30 | EUR 45.32 | GBP 38.76 | JPY 5000 | MXN 750 | ZAR 403 |
Click for larger image 60. De Laval Pocket Diary For....1949 
Publisher: The De Laval Separator Company New York, 1948
De Laval Pocket Diary for County Agents, Milk Sanitarians, Extension Workers, Vocational Teachers and Cow Testers, 1949. New York; The De Laval Separator Company, 1948. Small softcover. An annual pocket diary for 1949, published by De Laval. In addition to the pocket diary, the book includes numerous tables of interest to dairy farmers and articles on specific topics: Measuring Hay in Stacks, Building with Cobblestone, Water Requirements for Animals, etc. Both inside covers and both endpapers have advertisements for De Laval separators and other products. 148 pages with index. Book is in GOOD condition; some wear but no writing on text pages or diary; binding is tight. Paper wrappers. . No Jacket. Soft Cover. Book condition: Good 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall
Item number: 000341
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Appr.: | AUD 25.00 | CAD 25.13 | EUR 18.88 | GBP 16.15 | JPY 2083 | MXN 312 | ZAR 168 |

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